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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Discount Binoculars

Discount Binocular for Sale

Discount? What Discount?

Whilst researching some new Birdwatching Binoculars from Bushnell, I noticed that a website said that it had "huge discounts on selected binoculars", but once I clicked through to the site, do you think I could find these selected binoculars? Not a chance.

Quick Experiment:
Do a quick search on Google for Discount Binoculars "Discount Binoculars", I have just done it and none of the first 10 results take you to a page that actually have binoculars on it with any kind of discount. How annoying is that!

That got me thinking, if I get annoyed getting tricked into looking at a website, I bet pretty much everyone else does as well. So what can I do about it?

Real Discounts on Real Binoculars
Well, I often come across real discounted binoculars from genuine binocular retailers when I am working on the site, so what I have done is to put together a page that lists all the Discount Binoculars for Sale that I come across as well as where you can actually go to get the discount. Real Discounts on Real Binoculars.

I hope that this page can help save you time, by finding the best deals on the best binoculars without taking you to a bunch on non existent sales and discounts. Obviously websites will add, remove and change their deals all the time and whilst I will do my best to keep the page up-to-date, it is impossible to check them all every day. I am hoping that you guys can help me here. If you spot a discount that is not on the page, or I have the information wrong, please just contact me and i will make the necessary changes. That way everyone cane benefit.

Anyway that is my rant over for the day, hope you enjoy the new page.

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